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Free 4-12 Month Old Bedtime Guide

Ready to end the bedtime battles and make bedtime your favorite time of the day?

Grab this free 4-6 month guide to rocking your bedtime routines!

Free 2-1 Nap Transition Guide

This guide will help you navigate through the 2-1 nap transition!

This milestone typically happens between 12-18 months.

Free Preschool Sleep Training Guide

Having clear expectations for your little one on what to expect at bedtime and in the early morning hours make sleep a breeze. 


Free Early Morning Wakeup Guide

Seeing the clock before 5am? End your early morning wakeup with this checklist to get your mornings back.



I'm Jensine Casey

Certified Pediatric Consultant

I am a sleep consultant and a mother of three, dedicated to assisting families with young children in achieving peaceful nights and consistent naps. With over ten years of experience providing in-home guidance on sleep and development, along with a Master's Degree in Early Childhood and Special Education, I offer virtual services nationwide. My personal journey through sleep struggles inspired me to help others find the same transformative relief. Let me guide you in establishing healthy sleep patterns for your little ones, just as I have for countless families.

I understand the frustration of sleepless nights, having experienced it firsthand with my eldest son. Despite my educational background and experience, I struggled to find a solution until I sought help from a sleep consultant myself. Witnessing the life-changing impact of a simple adjustment, I made it my mission to provide the same support and guidance to other parents. Trust me to help you navigate this journey, and together, we can ensure your family regains the peaceful nights you deserve.